Youth Engagement
Impact Demand is a Black youth-led organization headquartered in Madison, WI, seeking justice and change for Black lives

About Impact Demand
Impact Demand is a Black youth-led organization headquartered in Madison WI, seeking justice and change for black lives: "For years, we have asked for change. We are no longer asking. We are demanding change. Please support our cause to DEMAND CHANGE."
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- Venmo: @ImpactDemand
- cashapp: $ImpactDemand
March on Washington
On August 28, 2020, Impact Demand made their way to Washington, DC to attend the March on Washington to support the economic and political demands put in place for the betterment of Black lives. Community support allowed Urban Triage, Inc. to provide funds for them to travel.
This trip was extremely important for these young and upcoming organizers/activists to not only witness history, but also to become more educated - not solely on the problems of racial and economic injustices we face here in today’s America, but to become well versed on the solutions and strategies that are being put in place to combat these acts of injustices. Additionally, they went to network and were able to successfully do so by exchanging moving ideas and strategies that have worked in other states.
From this experience, Impact Demand returned back to Madison with not just a mission but with a purpose and a clear objective on how to properly strategize their demands. They made great connections with the Black power movement, along with connections with other activists and organizers. This trip was an amazing experience of networking and the exchange of revolutionary ideas for these youth. It also left these youth to reflect as an organization and return as a family with clear objectives, goals, and a plan.