Words From Our People

Find out what our people are saying about our work

Co-Conspirators Workgroup, Cohort 1

"I was part of the first Cohort, and am a Buddy in the second. The experience is utterly transformational. The need for us to all continue our anti-racism journeys continues; the fight is long but despair is not an option. The cohort is part class, part therapy, and part friend group; I still chat pretty regularly with people from my Cohort. But the longest effects have been an actual acceptance of myself by creating experiences outside of White supremacy thinking that has taught me the ground is solid beneath my feet."

- Cohort 1 Member (Madison, WI)
Co-Conspirator Workgroup, Cohort 1

"Brandi's work through the co-conspirator workgroup has impacted me in ways I can't even describe yet. A quote that Brandi shared with us is, 'For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.' (Audre Lorde)

I'm learning new tools from Brandi. She has opened my eyes, inspired me and changed me. I'm committed to paying it back and paying it forward by fighting for Black lives and continuing the inner work of freeing my mind and soul from the prison of white supremacy racism, using new tools and a new paradigm."

- Andrea (Madison, WI)
Co-Conspirator Workgroup, Cohort 1

"I am trapped in a patriarchal, white supremacist, capitalistic & consumeristic culture where I am both the prisoner and the guard. Freedom can only come when we collectively dismantle the systems that hold us apart from seeing each others humanity. The first step is to free myself. Each step I take toward true freedom, my internal guard shows up as worry, anxiety, and self-doubt to beat me back into submission and silence."

- Cohort member (Madison, WI)

"I was blessed to receive education from Brandi Grayson, Urban Triage for SIX HOURS this week. I am still marveling at and reflecting on all the wisdom she bestowed upon us. I started doing anti-racism work over 10 years ago, and I learn more every single day. But I learned so much in those hours with Brandi and have been working to decolonize my thinking in the few days since (and will continue from here on out).

I highly recommend Brandi's training to all who want to understand how we all uphold white supremacy capitalist patriarchy. (There is no shame in it because we all do!)"

- Training participant (Madison, WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 4

"Urban Triage’s Supporting Healthy Black Families has offered me a much needed pause in life. It has created an invitation to connect to myself, and ask myself who am I? Who am I being? Very rarely are Black women and femmes able to ask ourselves that.

Before entering in this space, on the rare occasions I thought about that question, my answers were actions or they described my relationship to someone. My answers came from a place of deficit and not from a place of creation.

I applied to be in this group to gain tools to support my family, the village communities I have been born into and the ones I have been part of creating. Through this experience, the line between self care and collective care is blurred: I cant show up for the people, communities, causes and not work through, transform, release the baggage I’m bringing along, consciously or unconsciously . It’s not just my physical presence, it’s the ideologies, the stories I tell myself, the traumas, the advantages I have as a cis-gender person, as a lighter skinned black person all those things I/We must work through in order to be free as we get free.

The SHBF working group is an opportunity for collective healing and dreaming. It is an intimate space where we as Black people we can be free, as we are getting free."

- Alysia (Madison, WI)
Rental Assistance

"I don't know how I can thank you guys. Not just for the rental assistance, but for the overall support given throughout Dane County. Your activism is top notch."

- AA (Madison, WI)

"I'm in a powerful training by Brandi Grayson from Urban Triage at End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin and Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault. If you want it real about racism, hire Brandi! She is so good."

- Kathy Flores (Madison, WI)
It’s Lit: Black Paint & Sip event

"We want to create spaces to center Black joy and culture while social distancing. We want to give outlets for expression of emotions and thoughts, and art seemed like the best way to do it. Black people deserve Joy always, but especially now as we face a medical and racial pandemic. We also cared about making this event 100% free for Black folks, which is why we reached out to Urban Triage. Urban Triage supports Black people in every way and provides opportunities for transformation, education, healing, and love. We knew that we needed Urban Triage as a sponsor to our event, because Urban Triage cares about Black Joy."

- Alyssa Ivy (Madison, WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 3

"Supporting Healthy Black Families gave me a few valuable things. Community connection which was so refreshing during the pandemic. It helped me examine the things I make a racket about and approach the obstacles with the result I desire in mind. Additionally it helped me consider creative ways to use community to build and grow and find ways to support each other."

- Takeyla Benton (Madison, WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 3

"The course has helped me to re-examine how I center my thoughts and actions."

- Gia Gallimore (Madison, WI)
March on Washington

"On August 28, 2020, youth-led organization Impact Demand made their way to Washington, D.C. to attend the March on Washington to support the economic and political demands put in place for the betterment of black lives. This trip was very important because as young and upcoming organizers/activists we wanted to not only witness history but also to become more educated- not solely on the problems of racial and economic injustices we face here in today's America, however, to become well versed on the solutions and strategies that are being put in place to combat these acts of injustices.

In addition, we went to network and were able to successfully do so by exchanging moving ideas and strategies that have worked in other states. From this experience, Impact Demand returned back to Madison with not just a mission but with a purpose and a clear objective on how to properly strategize our demands. We have made great connections with the black power movement, along with connections with other activists and organizers as well. This trip was not only important because of networking and the exchanging of revolutionary ideas, but also very important because we left as an organization and returned as a family with clear objectives, goals, and a plan."

- Impact Demand (Madison, WI)
Cook It Forward

"The meals went well, we distributed the meals quickly. Everyone appreciated the meals and were surprised and delighted that they didn’t have to cook. I didn't hear anything bad about them so they must have been good! Thank you so much for this opportunity! We appreciate you all!"

- Pat Wongkit, Program Director, Northport and Packer Community Learning Centers (Madison, WI)
Cook It Forward

"My residents loved the food!! They were all so thrilled and wanted to be sure that they would get more on Friday. I can't tell you how much this has helped some of my tenants in need. Thank you."

- Tennyson Ridge Apartments (Madison, WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 3

"This course has taught me so much regarding post traumatic slave syndrome and the impact that trauma has on my thinking, our behaviors, and more importantly, our way of being. I have the ability to change my situation and our outcomes by just starting with the results I want. This helped me with reframing my approach to the things that I want to achieve. Moving forward, I am starting with the results I want knowing that I already have what it takes to achieve my goals. I am also now able to clarify and make the distinction between who I am rather than what I am. To me that was powerful. As a result of this learning, I pushed past my fears of tackling the data analysis of my dissertation to working through the analysis. As a result, I now have a defense date to defend my dissertation and am walking in my power."

- Corinda Rainey-Moore (Madison WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 3

"I have learned so much during the course of Supporting Healthy Black Families. I started to truly look at myself and know that I can do anything if I walk in my purpose. Before the class, I was letting fear stop me from moving forward. Thinking that I had to follow the path society says leads to success. Now I have been starting with the end goal, knowing that I will make that vision happen. This class also made me feel connected to the Black community in Madison. Before I never felt this close to the community. It feels good to know that Black people who have similar experiences to me care about me. I didn't know how much I was missing this until I got it."

- Alex Booker (Madison, WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 4

"My Supporting Healthy Black Families Class via Urban Triage is absolutely amazing. In the past 2 months I've grown to understand my own integrity & the importance of my word. Also how to maneuver through a white supremacist patriarchal capitalist America, while dealing with and overcoming the trauma that I've gone through, in order to keep my integrity intact. I CAN'T EXPRESS HOW AMAZING THIS CLASS IS. The things you learn will piss you off, but help you grow. You will be held accountable. It is an amazing Black space for Black People. If you haven't already, I encourage every Black person to take this class by Urban Triage! 🖤💪🏿."

- Patience Clark (Madison, WI)
Supporting Healthy Black Families, Cohort 3

"Being in SHBF was a life changing event for me. In this class I was able to make myself whole and become more aware of my existence. I was able to make connections with my past to improve my higher self for the future. I’m living in the now and know all things are possible. Urban Triage helped me realize my greatest strengths, while learning traits I considered weaknesses can be improved. I have learned not to focus on my past as a bad experience, but see it as an experience that was necessary to become who I am today. I am a Black women capable of anything I set my mind on, regardless of the things around me. I live in the context of White supremacy and I’m still able to define my existence."

- Woman cohort member (Madison, WI)